Why is Linux Shared Hosting the Better Choice?

shared-linux-hostingThe hosting world is full of choice and it’s one of the most competitive industries online. When it comes time to start your own website, blog or any other online project, Linux hosting is the right choice.

What is Linux Hosting?

Simply put, Linux hosting is any type of hosting using the operating system called Linux on the server. Linux is a Unix-like operating system provided as a free, open source choice. It was first developed in 1991 as a free operating system for Intel x86-based computers. Since, it has become one of the most popular open source operating systems on the market.

Why is Linux Preferred over Windows by Most Webmasters?

There’s nothing wrong with Windows hosting, but Linux is the preferred choice for many reasons. Linux allows the use of PHP, Python, CGI and Pearl, which are very popular choices for webmasters. It’s also known as one of the most stable choice for your hosting and provides more features that can be used free of charge compared to Windows hosting.

With Windows hosting, you can use ASP or ASP.NET, but both of these applications tend to be a bit more difficult to use. Most developers, webmasters and bloggers prefer Linux hosting over Windows hosting.

Five Top Benefits of Linux Shared Hosting

Many benefits come along with the choice to use a hosting company offering the Linux operating system. This affordable type of hosting makes it easy for anybody to get started with a blog or website. Here are five to the top benefits provided by Linux hosting.


Maybe the most important benefit for most is the price. Since Linux is an open source platform, there’s no charge to use it for your hosting. This allows hosting companies to keep their prices lower compared to Windows hosting. Often, Linux based hosting will also come with many free and popular scripts, such as Drupal, WordPress, Joomla, phpBB and many others.


With a Linux server, you can do many things, such as create a blog, website, multimedia application, forum or any other online entity. Linux comes with a GNU or General Public License, which means it, can be used with various distributions, such as SUE Linux, Red Hat and Ubuntu. This makes it much more flexible than other operating systems.


Of course, a very important benefit of a Linux server, especially for shared hosting, is the security. This operating system has proven time and time again to be more secure than any other choice.


Since Linux was one of the first operating systems created, it provides better reliability than Windows. Many Linux users will tell you the reliability isn’t even a comparison because Linux is much better.


Another huge benefit coming from Linux shared hosting is the simplicity. In most cases, it’s easier and more user-friendly than Windows hosting. Since Linux can use MySQL, Perl and PHP, it has become known as a very easy system to use.

Finding the Right Linux Shared Hosting Company

Of course, any type of hosting is only as good as the company backing it up. If you choose a Linux hosting company without great support or uptime, you won’t gain the many great benefits of using Linux for your shared hosting.

With a top hosting company providing full technical support, you can take advantage of the many benefits of using Linux. ITX Design is the right company for shared hosting on a Linux server. We provide full 24/7/365 technical support and monitor our servers around the clock.

Our award-winning support team provides over a decade of experience in the hosting industry. Choosing one of our shared hosting packages will ensure you get the best in the business from both the support and the features. We use Linux for our servers because we understand your necessity for the best performing and most reliable hosting on the planet.

We offer three levels of Linux shared hosting starting as low as $4.95 per month. Whether you just need to host one domain name or you need to host dozens, ITX Design can provide the right fit for your hosting needs. Choose one of our shared hosting packages today and take full advantage of the best Linux hosting in the business.

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ITX Design is a Web Hosting and Domain Registration provider. We provide dedicated servers, shared web hosting, and domain registration for small businesses including Reseller Hosting, FFmpeg Hosting and Christian Web Hosting.
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