
CloudFlare vs. Sucuri – The Right Choice for You

Since website security is at the top of your list for 2017, it’s a great time to narrow down the best online services that you should be using. The debate today is between CloudFlare and Sucuri, two popular options for your website firewall and other protective services. What are the differences between the two and how do they compare? Is one better than the other? Take a closer look at the differences between each of its features and who comes ahead in categories like pricing, malware removal, and features. Who wins in each category? When it comes down to it, …

Avoiding the 5 Common IT Security Mistakes Businesses Make

Businesses that don’t prioritize security online are making a big mistake that could cost them customers and leak sensitive information. Hackers and cyber threats lurk everywhere, and a business’ responsibility to protect and maintain their customers’ sensitive information can’t afford to risk that information getting into the wrong hands. Think of the public outcry after hackers stole credit card information from major retailers in the past, like Target and TJ Maxx. You don’t want something similar happening to your business! Here are 5 common IT security mistakes businesses make and how you can avoid them. 1. Leaving staff out of …

Apple Shuts Down First Viable Ransomware for Mac OS X

Mac owners have long touted the impermeability to online threats as one reason for choosing Apple over Microsoft. However, even the seemingly airtight Mac OS X operating system is vulnerable to specifically-crafted, sophisticated ransomware that is designed to get past Apple’s security parameters. That happened last week, when Palo Alto researchers found that ransomware targeted at the Mac OS X operating system, called KeRanger, was fully operational and functional for the first time ever. Apple immediately took action, revoking the abused security certificate that the KeRanger attackers used and updating it’s built-in anti-malware system, XProtect, with a new signature in …

ITX Design is a Web Hosting and Domain Registration provider. We provide dedicated servers, shared web hosting, and domain registration for small businesses including Reseller Hosting, FFmpeg Hosting and Christian Web Hosting.
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