Web Hosting Blog

Why Does Quality Hosting Matter for SEO?

You can easily get caught up in how your website looks. While the design is important, you cannot only focus on the look of your site. The SEO and the hosting also matter and they are tied together. Design will make things look good, but the right hosting will make a bigger difference in whether you get seen. In addition, the SEO matters when it comes to getting people to see your website. SEO includes linking, content and many other things. It also includes quality hosting. Here’s what you should know about web hosting when considering SEO for your website. …

Asking for Blog Sponsorship When You’re Scared

Asking for sponsorship on your blog can be very stressful and scary. Getting sponsorship can help to provide income for bloggers, but it’s hard to ask for what you’re really worth. However, with the four steps below, you’ll be able to easily ask for sponsorship without so much fear. Start with Companies You Already Use and Like When you start thinking about pitching companies for blog sponsorship, consider those you already love. It’s far easier to be okay with advertising on your site from those you love than from those you don’t know anything about. Don’t be afraid to consider …

Top 6 Tips for SEO for New Bloggers

As a blogger, you may not look at SEO as the most important part of what you do. However, getting traffic depends on SEO, to an extent. It’s necessary to pay attention to the SEO of your blog, if you want to rank well on search engines. SEO is known as search engine optimization and it involves specific techniques within the content and the design of your website. Here’s a look at six of the top tips bloggers can use for better SEO. Start With Keyword Research While keywords are not used the same way they used to be used, …

Top 5 WordPress Plugins to Improve Your Website


WordPress provides so many plugins it can be hard to get the most out of using these tools. However, out of the thousands of choices, there are some you just have to have, especially if you’re new to blogging. As a very powerful CMS, you can gain plenty of benefits from WordPress Plugins. There are several good choices to allow you to get the most out of your website. Here are some of the top plugins you should use, if you’re using WordPress. Easy Google Fonts A free plugin making it very easy to change the fonts, Easy Google Fonts …

Proper Way to Optimize Images for SEO

Gaining better SEO from your blog or website requires properly optimized images. This is one of the easiest ways for many website owners to rank better without spending a ton of money on SEO. Here are some of the SEO basics you should be using and how to better optimize your images. Basics of SEO Before we get into image optimization, let’s go over a few basics of SEO: Choosing a Domain Name – Make sure it’s relevant to your website/business and easy to remember. Get a .com, if possible, but many other extensions will also work well. Page and …

How to Repurpose Old Blog Content

Bloggers need a great content strategy and it should include repurposing old blog content. Just because you posted it last year or five years ago doesn’t mean it’s not relevant today. Even if it’s not relevant, a little update could turn an old post into a traffic-generating new post. Your content provides an incredible asset. It took you time to create and you need to get the most out of it. With the right repurposing strategy for old blog content, you can grab more attention for your website. Here are a few ways you can recycle old blog content for …

Can you Grow Your Blog While Taking a Vacation?

You may think, as a blogger, you don’t get to go on vacation unless you run a vacation blog. However, you’ve worked hard and you deserve a vacation. Not only do you need the time to rest, but you also need a chance to spend time with family and get your mind off work. You don’t have to put your blog on pause or stop adding content just to take a break. There are ways to take a vacation and continue to grow your blog while you’re gone. Here are some of the top ways to make sure your blog …

The Right Web Host Leads to Business Growth

Web Hosting for Business

Sometimes, it can be easy to ignore the hosting company you’ve chosen. Maybe you’ve used them for years and just don’t feel like switching. However, if you don’t have the right hosting company, it could be costing your business from growth opportunities. It’s pretty clear, today’s business world requires a website for real success. A website requires hosting, and the right hosting can lead to business growth. When you choose one of the best hosting companies, you have the ability to do more and gain more exposure because your foundation is great. A Website is Like a House Your website …

Seven Most Important Aspects of a Food Blog

If you love food and you want to become a food blogger, you need the right aspects for your blog. Without these seven things, you will struggle to find any kind of success online. Mobile-Friendly Design You simply cannot survive online without a mobile-friendly design. Not only will you alienate half of your potential audience, but you will also lose SEO points with Google. In today’s online world, a mobile-friendly design is necessary. Most of the best designs for your blog will come from WordPress. You can get a premium design specifically for a food blog and it will be …

How to Go From Hobby to Small Business

Many believe that if you truly want to be happy with your work, you have to do what you love. Often, what we love becomes our hobbies, such as crafts, golf, food, dancing, etc. Part of the issue with trying to do what you love for an income is you may have to start your own small business. It can be hard to find someone willing to pay you to do your hobby full time. However, blogging about it or turning your hobby into an online store is very possible. If you want to take your hobby and turn it …

ITX Design is a Web Hosting and Domain Registration provider. We provide dedicated servers, shared web hosting, and domain registration for small businesses including Reseller Hosting, FFmpeg Hosting and Christian Web Hosting.
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