Five Ways to Promote Your Website Free of Charge

Free MarketingThere are many ways to promote your website free of charge, but some are not quite as obvious. You may know how to submit your website to a directory or create an article and use it to promote your website for free, but do you know these five less obvious methods of free website marketing?

Press Releases

You can create a press release for your business, product or service and submit it to a number of online sites and offline resources free of charge. Anytime you win an award, launch a new product or service, change your business or do anything news-worthy, you can write a press release.

The release will need to follow AP style guidelines and should announce the news-worthy item. If it’s an online press release, you can include a link back to your website or to information about the product or service you are announcing.

Press releases can be submitted to a number of online press release sites. They can also go to radio stations, news outlets, TV stations, local newspapers and more.

Community Involvement

Community InvolvementOne of the best ways to promote your website and business free of charge is to get involved in your community. You will be able to meet new people and build relationships when you volunteer in your community.

Get involved with fundraisers, town meetings, the chamber of commerce, school events, community events and anything else you can get your business involved in. Sometimes, you may need to donate to participate, but it’s for a good cause.

Your Email Signature

Many online businesses miss out on the email signature. They forget that this is a great way to promote to others, as they send out tons of emails every single day.

Make sure your email signature includes your name and website, along with anything else that is important. If you do business over the phone or Skype, include your phone number or Skype username, as well.

Cold Calls

It may not be the most pleasant way to market, but cold calling is a great, free way to get your business out there. When you cold call, you can gain new customers and you can build your business.

For your website, you can even do cold calls by contacting other businesses that may be interested in what you have to sell. This can be done through the contact form on their website very easily.

Network On and Offline

NeworkingNetworking is vital for many businesses looking to thrive. You should be networking as often as you can, both online and offline.

Use websites, such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and other social platforms to network online. You can build a list of followers, fans or friends by giving away something free of charge or giving a discount. This is an easy way to build a community online.

Offline, you will want to network by attending events. Some events are designed specifically for networking, while others just provide an environment for networking. Even a birthday party can be a place to network.

There are many ways to market your website and business online and offline free of charge. If you’re looking for a way to build your business, but the budget is tight, use these and other free marketing methods to drive more traffic to your website and create more lasting relationships with customers.

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