Making an Educated Decision When Choosing the Right Hosting Company

Why Choosing a Blog Host Can be Stressful

Many people don’t even realize that choosing a blog host can really be stressful if you don’t know what you are doing.

The experts take it for granted that they know what to look for and they forget about the beginner.

Many beginning bloggers don’t even know the importance behind choosing a blog host and they just go with the one recommended to them by someone they don’t even know.

Instead of choosing a blog host in this manner you can take all the stress out by using a plan of attack that will not only help you find the right blog host, but will also teach you what to look for. This is not a hard plan to implement and it only contains five easy steps. Here is the plan you need for finding the right blog host for your new blog.

The Five Step Plan for Choosing a Blog Host

1. Understand What a Blog Host is

Before you start searching for the right blog host for your blog, you need to know what a blog host is. It is not the same as a website host; however, many companies offer both services. The key different is that a blog host will give you a platform to use for your blog. This is often times referred to as a content management system or a CMS.

So, as you are searching for the right blog host you want to make sure the hosting company offers at least a few different content management systems or platforms. This will be what you use the most and will be how you organize the content on your blog, make it function properly, and customize the look of it.

2. Choosing the Right Platform

The second step in our plan for choosing a blog host is to choose the right platform. There are about a dozen blog platforms out there, but only two that we highly recommend. WordPress and Joomla are the two you want to look for and they are often found in the Fantastico script with your host. These are the most popular choices and either one will do for your blog.

3. Choosing an Actual Company

Next on the list is to find an actual blog hosting company that is worth your time. You will actually want to find three to five companies to choose from. You will use this base list for the final two steps for choosing a blog host. The best way to find these companies is to look at a couple of top ten hosting lists from top websites. They will have similar choices on their lists and you will be able to find a few that will work well for you.

4. Reading the Reviews

We always recommend looking at the reviews from hosting industry websites, but we also recommend looking at the real customer reviews. These are generally located in the comment section on a hosting blog below their review of the host. This will give you an idea of which hosting companies people like and which ones they don’t. If there are any problems, you will find them within the customer reviews.

5. Contact Support

The final step you want to take when choosing a blog host before you finalize your decision is to contact the support of your top two hosting choices. You want to talk to them on the phone or through internet chat, but you also want to contact them through email. What you are looking for is a hosting company that has fast and professional support. This is a good sign that they have reliable servers and will be there when you do need them.

Popular Blog Hosting – Good or Bad?
Just because you find one of the popular blog hosting companies does not mean it is the right one for you, or even a good one.

Some of the most popular hosting companies are not the ones that you should choose if you want to run a successful blog.

Instead, you should be looking for the one that benefits you the most and gives you what you need for your blog.

Popular blog hosting is usually as popular as it is because of good marketing and a very low price. This does not make it as good as it may claim to be.

How many other things in our world have become a popular fad and faded out after a few months or a year?

It happens in every industry and you have to be aware of the fly-by-night hosting companies that are out there.

Some of these companies can become very popular blog hosting choices very fast because they make a few good connections. However, as they gain clients they may run out of server room or may end up putting too many accounts on a server. This can cause the entire server to slow down and that is a problem no blog needs to have.

How to Avoid Bad Popular Blog Hosting

Customer reviews will not help you much with a new popular blog hosting company. When they start out many times they will give away a free month or two of hosting, and in return they ask for a positive review of the hosting they provide from the customer. This is how they can get a good reputation very fast.

Instead, you have to look at what the experts are saying. The problem is some of the experts could be investors in the company or could have made a deal with the company. This means you cannot really trust the experts either. You really need to make sure you get the right advices about popular blog hosting companies, but where do you look?

The best way to test out one of the best blog hosting companies is to test their support. Come up with five questions you can ask the support through email, online chat, and over the phone. Test all three of these options and if they are fast, professional, and efficient, then you may have a good company.

However, you still have to be very careful if they have been around for less than two years. Many hosting companies have come and gone over the time the internet has been in existence. It seems that if they can get past the two-year mark they can become a solid company. However, many of the most popular blog hosting companies throughout time have not made it to the two-year mark.

The last thing you want is to have to switch hosting companies because yours went out of business. It could get even worse because they may lose all your information or not allow you to transfer it. This means you would have to start all over again all because you went with a fad hosting company.

Finding the Best Popular Blog Hosting Companies

There are some very popular blog hosting companies that are also very good.

You just need to know how to find these companies and take advantage of what they can offer you.

Usually they will be listed in the top ten choices by many experts and websites, but not all the time do they make it onto these list.

The key to finding a really good popular blog hosting company is to look for the ones that have been around for 5 years or longer.

If they have not been around that long, then they may not be all that good.

You simply need to go through the process of finding three to five of these companies to compare.

Now, you can read the most recent customer reviews about these companies and look to see what the experts have to say.

Always make sure you test the support just to be sure, but if you go through this process you will most likely be able to get one of the most popular blog hosting companies that is also a good choice.

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