The Users tab found in your WordPress dashboard will allow you to add, delete and make changes to all the users you want to be able to access your website. This section contains three sub-sections called:
- All Users
- Add New
- Your Profile
You will use these sub-sections whenever updating user information or adding a user. In this WordPress Tutorial, we are going to take a quick look at all three sub-sections of the Users tab.
The “All Users” Section in WordPress
When you go to Users >> All Users you will get a list of all the users for your WordPress website. It will show their username, name, email address, role and posts. If they have a picture associated with their profile, it will also be displayed.
You can sort the users of your site by clicking the links within the “All Users” sub-section.
With these links, you can see all the users for a specific type or role. They may not all display at the top, if you don’t have a user for each specific role.
This section will also allow you to add a new user with the link at the top, edit a user profile with the link below their username and delete users by selecting the checkbox and using the “Bulk Actions” dropdown menu.
The “Add New” Section of the Users Tab in WordPress
If you want to add a new user to your WordPress website, you can do it by going to Users >> Add New. This will give you a page with the options you will need to fill in for the new user. Any required sections are marked.
The “Your Profile” Section in WordPress
When you access the “Your Profile” section in WordPress, it will allow you to make changes to your specific profile. All users of your site will get this sub-section under the Users tab, but they won’t be able to make the same changes. The changes they can make depend on the role you’ve assigned them as a user of your website.
This section will allow you to change the color scheme, toolbar, username, password, nickname, display name, email and many other options.
Now, you have a basic understanding of the Users tab and sub-sections found in WordPress. Bookmark this WordPress tutorial for future reference.
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