MyBB stands for MyBulletinBoard. This is a free type of software used to set up a forum. It’s designed to be very easy for the user and provide those working on the backend of the forum the ability to perform tasks easily. You gain full control over the forum with many themes and plugins to help you customize the look, feel and function. With plenty of excellent user features, MyBB is a unique type of freeware perfect for anybody starting a forum.
The main advantages of using MyBB include:
These advantages make the software desirable for the end user. However, without the right foundation for your forum, it will be difficult to get the most out of MyBB. You need hosting specifically set up to handle this type of software and ITX Design provides the best MyBB hosting in the industry.
Servers optimized to handle forums are great, but you need more than just a server set up to handle your forum. Most forum owners run more than just their forum. You may also host blogs, websites and other online entities on your account. Without hosting catering to all your needs, you will need to spend extra money for a second account.
At ITX Design, we optimize our servers to fit all your needs. Whether you’re just running a forum or you plan to run many websites and forums, we have a package perfect for you. Our pricing is competitive and our support is second to none. You can even contact our support for a recommendation on the right package to fit all your needs.
By answering a few short questions, we can determine which type of hosting and which package fit best. We ask questions, such as:
These answers help us to customize the perfect hosting package for your specific needs.
When you choose a package from ITX Design, you don’t just get hosting. We give you far more than just a place to build your forum, store necessary files and make changes to those files. Our expert team of hosting professionals provides top quality support and customer service. Even if you think your question is stupid, we’re happy to answer it for you. Our support team can be reached any hours, of any day, year-round.
Maybe you’ve outgrown the hosting you’ve been using for your MyBB forum or you simply don’t like the company you currently use. Switching hosting companies can be very stressful, but it doesn’t have to be. At ITX Design, we handle the full transfer of your databases, emails, files and everything else free of charge. This is a service we provide, just for the opportunity to show you how much better our hosting is than our competitors.
Before you transfer your forums, websites and blogs, contact our support team and let us recommend the right package for you. With Shared, VPS and dedicated server options, we can provide the right hosting environment for all your projects at a competitive price.
Those just starting their first forum or even their first website may need some help along the way. We understand you’re new to hosting and to building your forum. With our friendly and knowledgeable support staff, you will feel right at home every time you contact us for help.
As a beginner, calling support can be stressful. You hope to receive the answers you’re seeking in a way that doesn’t make you feel like an idiot. Our staff is sensitive to your needs and we will gladly walk you through any steps involved in using your new hosting account.
Start with the most affordable package at $4.95 per month and upgrade as you grow. We offer plenty of hosting packages to help you keep the cost down, as your forum, website and blog grow in size and traffic.
If you’ve been searching for a new hosting company because your past experiences have been less than good, we’re ready to show you how hosting should be done. Our support is the top in the industry and our servers rarely experience any downtime. With our 99.999% uptime average, you won’t lose visitors because your site is down.
Let us change your mind about hosting by providing the best MyBB hosting for your forum in the industry. Get started today or contact our support team if you’re not sure which package fits best with your needs.